Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Yesti Group commits the items stated below in order to be able to complete the all projects healthy and safely for all workplaces and work phases by giving priority to health and safety requirements;


  • Obeying to national health and safety legislation, to requirement that defined in national health and safety standards, to related international health and safety standard depending on region that activities will be performed,
  • Protecting health and safety of the employees, subcontractor employees and local folk in all workplaces,
  • Ensuring the taking appropriate and sufficient measures to eliminate or minimize the risks by always defining hazards and assessing the risks based on defined hazards for all activities that will be performed,
  • Ensuring to create safe workplace environment and improve this safe workplace environment by observing it constantly,
  • Creating emergency action and crisis management plan to eliminate the emergencies and minimize the effects by determining the emergencies that have potential to effect health and safety of the employees, workplaces and local folk depending on activities that will be performed,
  • Providing necessary resources to establish health and safety management system and to apply and improve it for all activity areas,
  • Providing necessary basic and technical training regularly to ensure increasing health and safety knowledge and improving health and safety awareness of all the employees,
  • Continuously improving the health and safety culture at all levels of Yesti Group management as ensuring to cover all the employees,
  • Ensuring to implement Yesti Group health and safety procedures beside legal requirements and observing the compliance to procedures and improving them by performing internal inspections in all activity areas,
  • Commits ensuring implementation of the health and safety procedures by subcontractors and suppliers in their responsibility areas.

Yesti Group has adopted the principle to implement and improve this health and safety policy in a sustainable manner for all activity areas by ensuring this policy reaches out to relevant stakeholders.